Acts of Kindness

Acts of Kindness

How do we treat each other? Do we know our neighbors? Do we avoid others because we have little time and energy? How can we connect more with others? It is with connection that sparks fly. Getting to know each other beyond the superficial level helps to expand our world and banish negativism.

The root of evil lies within a fortress of existence. When we don’t take the time to know those of the lowest (and highest) pay grades, we are able to treat others unkindly and with distrust.

Know yourself. This time of deepening awareness to who we are and what we can become is greater than ever before. Time is running out for life to be sustainable here on Earth. Familiarize yourself with those around you. Chose to get to know those who are not “just like you.”

The planet needs us to become more friendly with each other. As the population increases, so does the potential for friction in our interactions. Gone are the days of community living, when we were arguably a happier society.

Know that life gives us choices. And with these choices we can decide to increase our friendliness and peacefulness or we can mistrust and look down upon our fellow man.

The time is now to place our trust and hope in our connections with who we interact with in our day. Be kind to each other. Acts of kindness goes a long way toward improving the quality of your life and the lives of others.

Acts of Kindness?

Why do acts of kindness help the planet? When we go out of our way for each other, when we see others in need and we help them, this increases our connection with each other, and as a result, the planet. When you perform acts of kindness, you not only help yourself, but someone you don’t know. The greater your connection and willingness to go out of your way to help others, the more you can improve the likelihood that others will react kindly, as well. These acts of kindness promote greater inter-connection and leads to a more sustainable life on the planet.

Enjoy your life, your day. Assist others when you can. When you go out of your way for someone else, expect nothing in return. Do it because you are able to extend a hand to someone in need. In doing so, you get to know possibly a new friend and not another stranger. Helping those in need will create stronger bonds between us, and create a little more happiness in someone else’s life. Do it today. The planet depends on you.

Further Reading: