Can We Help Our Planet to Heal?

Can We Help Our Planet to Heal?

To promote planetary healing, we need to feel at one with the planet. Join with the many others who have found their path in being one with the Earth.

Life has many routes that we can take. We encourage others on their paths to endure hardships and co-exist with adversity. Life has many challenges ahead of us. The purpose of life is to:

  • remain at peace with ourselves, with our past, our future,
  • be kind and
  • support those around us as we form ideas as to who we are to become.

Life has little meaning in the context of ourselves. We need to encompass those around us in loving light and respect. Love each other. That’s what life is really about; our deep connections with each other.

What Does this Have do to with Planetary Healing?

The planet takes on all of the negative emotions that we experience. Don’t worry. The Earth can tolerate some adversity.

The Earth is a little like your younger brother and can cope with some teasing. He also needs love and acceptance. The same is true for the Earth. She needs more of us to feel at one with her.

Earth Energies

The Earth has the same energies that we are made up of. Love, understanding, peace, happiness are all emotions which create better harmony for the Earth to thrive. When we feel these elevated emotions of love, peace and understanding, the Earth has greater potential to release the negative emotions it receives.

Earth Needs Love to Release Negative Emotions

The Earth has the same energies that we are made up of. Love, understanding, peace, happiness are all emotions which create better harmony for the Earth to thrive. When we feel these elevated emotions of love, peace and understanding, the Earth has greater potential to release the negative emotions it receives.

Life has little meaning beyond our connections with each other. When we cease to have conversations with each other, we cease to exist. Existence relies on a certain amount of inter-relatedness, an inter-connection which allows greater meaning and understanding amongst ourselves.

Take time to bond strongly with your friends, your neighbors, colleagues and even those you see on the street. Those that surround you need to feel that they matter. When we feel better about ourselves, that impacts everyone around us.

Meaning of Living

Know the meaning of life is to exist with greater freedom to love and care for each other in a wholeness that encompasses your entire soul. Know this to be true. Realize for yourself that love has no bounds – meaning there is plenty of love available to give freely to others. You have an unlimited supply of live. Allow others to feel your love.

God’s grace is found in the flowers, trees, the land and seas. God forgives all. You can too.

Forgiveness Heals

Sometimes, to give and receive love from the Earth, we need to forgive those who have done injustices to us. Once we forgive, we can offer those around us with unrequited love; love that is given freely without anticipation of receiving anything in return.

Love comes from forgiveness. We carry heavy weights of the past that burdens our shoulders. We can release those weights with the power of loving kindness, forgiveness and offer others a path toward beauty, grace and forgiveness.

Love is the path that heals all that is. Find it within yourself to love yourself first. Do you need to forgive yourself? Have you not met all of your expectations that you’ve set for yourself? Do you need to?

Set yourself free with love and forgiveness. Be kind to yourself as you’d like others to do for you. Know that this is your path, to find the truth in loving freely each other and yourself. Love, peace and understanding is your true path.