
The future is upon us as we enter into a new light phase.  This journey is everlasting providing of great wonder and amazement for those who are available to this energy and enlightenment.   Be aware of your journey in this time and space.  Become one with it, as you…

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Kick the Habit of Sad

When we expect more from ourselves than we are able to accomplish?  When we set goals for ourselves (often without our being aware of it) and those goals have not been met?  When we feel that others want more from us than we were able to provide?  Low self esteem? …

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A Moment of Now: For Free!

Thank you for the opportunity to give you resources that are free (or nearly free) for decreasing stress in one's life.  I have been practicing presence for the past several years.  These are my favorite resources to maintain and improve mindful awareness. Here's a three minute mindful breathing that I…

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