

Clarity is what the soul wants.  Clarity speaks when love overflows. The divine inspiration comes from all sources in your life.  Reasoning abounds, and yet that is not what helps you now.  Relax in your intention to create something new.  Life needs another way to exist from between the lines of the past.  Reasoning confuses the situation. 

The past is not in the past.  Intellectually, you know this.  Reasoning takes over when you hear the visions of the past awaken within yourself.  Be aware of your surroundings.  They are a source of inspiration for you.  Know that you are part of a tribe.  A unique tribe whose incantations arise and make the world well again.  

Begin at once to have faith in your abilities as a healer, as an instrument of God.  This is the time and place for new beginnings.  You have great gifts as a healer, as do many that surround you.  Realizing your true potential is half the battle. 

Be one with your existence in time, space and awareness.  Your life is opening new doors in which to explore many opportunities.  The world awaits you.  Go now in peace to begin again. 

Listen with Compassion

The world is shaping to develop into many avenues to create pathways toward peace and understanding.  During your day, find the opportunity to offer more grace, greater capacity to listen with compassion.  Do not allow yourself to be distracted by the petty sounds that you hear.  They are only sounds that interfere with your ability to see what the future offers.  

Relax in your intention to help others.  Hear the words of the song that plays in your head.  These are words that correspond to your emotions that time has given you.  See the colors in your day.  Know that the light is increasing with caring and a greater sense of accomplishment arises as a result.  Giving light to the oceans of people you see helps the world to develop a new path.  Opening the doors so that all creation can exist as one is immensely helpful.  

Break Patterns of the Past

Green waves of wisdom heals the past.  The past emits patterns which binds.  Breaking those bonds develop when we can go against the tide and create wisdom in caring with deep emotion.  Existence becomes clearer when we can acknowledge these patterns and make conscious decisions to alter the pattern.  

Altering the pattern begins with hearing music, finding the joy in the sun, wind, and all things that nature provides.  Life abounds with opportunities to coexist with the past, and yet to make anew those grids from the past that appear to dampen our existence.  

Life offers hope for creation to guide you into new patterns which release the old patterns that has bound us to the past.  For instance, we can view the world with downtrodden eyes: “I don’t have enough money, time or space to do what I want.”  This is a common feeling; the sense that we don’t have enough.  Escaping from this sense requires releasing the chains that bind you to that pattern of thought.  Know that you have enough to get through today.


Worrying takes you away from the present moment.  When the present time reaches you, it is through the wisdom that the past has provided you.  Allow that wisdom to see what you can change, and know what you cannot change.  

In life, we are afforded experiences which challenge you.  Becoming more aware of how you can become more at peace with the new that arises in your day.  When everything stays the same, you do not grow to expand into the cup which has been offered to you.  What you choose to fill your cup with depends on your life situation, but also your attitude which can change the outlook as to how you feel.  

New Beginnings

What is the sense of your new beginning?  How can you change your today so that it better fits the expansion that grace has allowed?  How can you better exist within your means and yet provide for a brighter tomorrow?  How can you promote more sun in your future?  

Your existence with the past provides greater awareness to change the patterns as they arise again in the future.  Knowing what your patterns are increases your awareness that life can provide an alternate path.  The road is open and ready for you to take it.  How can you take a new direction to lead to a sunnier future?  Allow grace, love and understanding to lead you on your path toward light and awareness.  Let that day begin today.