Closer to Ourselves

Closer to Ourselves

Life evolves and revolves around situations that occur that we feel we have no control over. However, know this is not true. The force of life offers each of us the opportunity to explore ways in which we can grow. How can I grow? What do I need to learn?

Take time to explore how you are feeling. Is there a way to bring yourself closer to others? Many times, we find opportunities to not be with others. We find petty excuses as to why we don’t like someone. How can we forgive? Forgiving is the basis for healing. When we can forgive, space opens for love. If we offer a community of healing, a pattern of greater life then occurs: life of fufillment, grace and happiness.

Finding the grace of joy occurs with greater connection with each other. How can we have stronger connections? How can our relationships be stronger and more intimate? Do we allow others to see us? We need to forgive. Who do we need to forgive? For many of us, we need to forgive ourselves first. What haven’t we forgiven ourselves for? What wrongdoing to ourselves, and to others have we committed? Do we have room to release it? Have we forgiven our parents?

As Children

Are we afraid of what others will see if they see our true selves? Think back to a time when we didn’t have such fears. As children, we are honest beings. We hadn’t learned yet to be afraid of being judged. We hadn’t begun to judge others, either; we held nothing back. We were free to explore. How can we continue to explore ourselves and others with true acceptance?

Open Heart

Open your heart and soul with fresh eyes to new experiences. Know that love abounds and awaits. Be pleased with what you have accomplished. Know that you will do more in your life. How can you open your heart and offer your love with open hearted acceptance of others?

Accepting others just as they are without judgement or the need to change them is a great basis of friendship. Offering your gift of listening demonstrates love. Many of us judge. We judge ourselves and others. We all have faults. Our faults make us human. Try as we might to be kind, loving, accepting without judgement, it is a practice. A practice to love and accept ourselves as we are. No change needs to be made. Evolving is key to become happier, stronger and more open. We demonstrate this in our words and actions. What can we do to become closer to others?

One with the Universe

Accepting, loving, open hearted brings us closer to ourselves and each other. Know that this is the path toward oneness with the universe. We are made of the same life force of being with all that is. When we bring ourselves closer to nature, to each other, we are on that path of oneness.

How can we become closer to ourselves? By becoming more accepting of who we are without need to change. Offer that same gift of love to friends and family by accepting, listening, loving.