Guidelines to Joy: Curating Happiness

Guidelines to Joy: Curating Happiness

Life begins and ends in bliss.  When we journey to life between lives, we experience radiant joy and eternal happiness.  How can we have created lives where so many are unhappy?  Where did we go wrong?

Life begins encircled by those we love.  There is immense joy in bringing new life onto Earth.  The creation of ill-will begins in childhood.  In schools, where we are graded and compared with each other.  No one knows then extent of trauma which develops when a parent is overly critical.  What begins is a cycle of pessimism which is reinforced each time it occurs. 

When no one is next to us, to guide us, to tell us how well we are doing, we develop a mindset of our own which enhances the world view of, “I’m not good enough.”  When we go through life experiencing patterns of inadequacy, the repetition is firmly in place by the time we reach adulthood.  In this way, we have developed voices in our heads which tell us how we are at fault. 

Thoughts develop into patterns, which we repeat in our heads, even when we are not aware of it.  Do we ever stop to listen to what our minds say?  Our minds tell us what we can’t do.  When we repeat these thought patterns, they instill within us a sense of what we can’t accomplish.  When we focus on what we can’t do, we persist in that belief.  We come to think of what we can’t do.  However,  we know these patterns of thought to be untrue.  We know ourselves to be good people, who have amazing accomplishments.  We can develop even greater abilities when we rid ourselves of these negative thought patterns.  How can this be done?

Change Our Thoughts

When we create a sense of joy deep within ourselves, we can develop greater abilities to accomplish our goals.  When we allow our thought patterns to interfere, we create anxiety, which causes intense pain. 

Disrupting our thought patterns occur when we utilize mantras.  When we repeat to ourselves positive thoughts, rather than the negative ones, we create the ability to curate joy.  When we can select the patterns of thoughts that we want our brains to say to us, we can bring to life a renewed and more honest approach to ourselves.  Instead of beating ourselves up for what we didn’t do, we can focus on what went right because of it. 

Life begins and ends in joy.

Where in the middle have we gone wrong?  The patterns that are instilled in us create a dishonest view of ourselves.  We believe that we always need to be changing something!  What we need to change is our thoughts: when we create a greater sense of compassion for ourselves, we can rid ourselves of the constant companion who says what we can’t do. 

When we repeat positive ideas to ourselves, we may say things that we don’t at first believe.  It doesn’t matter if we believe in our mantras.  When our brains hear thoughts again and again, somehow it comes true.  “I’m feeling immense joy right now.”  My thoughts are allowing me to experience what it might be like to feel great happiness.  In my life, I have experienced childhood traumas which interfere with my ability to curate happiness.   When I put in place mantras such as, “Everyday I devote myself to creating joy,” I feel greater happiness. 

What mantras will help?

Telling ourselves what we want to believe helps to create a conscious change from deep within which allows that development to occur. 

A year ago, I told myself that I wanted to help others spiritually.  And now, I am accomplishing that goal.  What we repeat to ourselves becomes our reality.  When we constantly complain about our situation and what we don’t have, then the universe conspires to give us more of the same.  When we can allow ourselves to focus on what we would like to happen and to feel thankful for it, then it will. 

When we can exist with patterns of thought, such as, “I feel joy from within each cell of my body,” then it happens.  Our thoughts determine our belief in ourselves.  Every emotion is decided by the way our minds processes the input it receives.  What we say to ourselves places a strong emphasis on who we are and what we are able to become. 

When we provide ourselves with the gift of repeating a phrase which rings true: “joy is around the corner,” “loving kindness brings great joy,” “I bring joy to others,” allows joy to enter our hearts and encircles our existence.  Creation begs us to allow joy to enter our lives.