Guidelines to Joy: Developing Mind’s Eye

Guidelines to Joy: Developing Mind’s Eye

Intuition tells us that we begin with a vision of the mind’s eye.  Envisioning our goals as if we have attained them, creates a scene.  When we begin with a goal in mind, we create a scenario in our minds.  Through the mind’s eye is how we experience the world.  Imagining our world that we have created, places our existence in a more positive light.  We live out our dreams.  Trust the universe to allow the dreams to become a reality. 

When we come to believe that we can have what we desire, then those things can come true.  The trick is to believe in it, and to be thankful for it, as if you already have attained it.  Life gives us reason to think that what we desire is wrong and ill-gained.  What we have is what we desire.  When we feel that we are on top of the world, we are. 

What we need, we have.

We have what we need.  Have we come to believe that we need more?   We don’t need any more than what we have.  Our lives have been created to experience our desires. 

Step one of developing joy is to receive those gifts without the complications of how we have created an enemy in our minds, with our repetitive thoughts.  We’ve created the reality we believe we are allowed to have.  We create our own existence.  When we allow the mind to tell us that we are less important, less deserving, then it becomes true.  How often have we decided that we can’t do something without really even trying?

Believe in Yourself

Take believing in yourself.  Our brain has the power to decide whether we are allowed to have something or not.  When we believe that we have enough time or money to receive our desires then we do.  How can this be when we never seem to have enough?

When we lives our lives focused on what we don’t have, then the world conspires to give you just that: a life focused on what you need.  When we can appreciate even for a moment, what we want to accomplish, when we feel it with every bone in our bodies, then we can stop to appreciate all that has been given to us.  Focusing on the negative gives more negative.  When we can allow ourselves to appreciate the goodness that the world has to offer, we will continue to receive more of the same. 

Think back on a time when you didn’t have what you need.  The more we focussed on our lack, how poor we are, what we don’t have and what we continue to need, we are not forward thinking.  When focussed on what we don’t have, we continue to not have what we truly desire.  Our brain becomes attuned to our repetitive thoughts.  If we can change our target from what we don’t have to what we desire, our mood and energy become lighter.  We have greater opportunity to feel like we belong and that we deserve our aspirations. 

Believe Our Dreams

Our goals and desires come true when we believe in them.  Taking the time to appreciate what we have, and can consolidate our reality with our dreams, we can begin to live our lives in a new appreciation for living.  Life can be challenging, even more so when we focus on the hardness of the cement, but when we can see the flower growing in the crack of the walk, we can begin to live a glorious life of loving and exploring. 

Taking the time to believe in ourselves will yield multiple rewards.  Let it become a ritual.  May I suggest a morning routine of closing your eyes, to fully encapsulate your dream in your mind’s eye?  Know it and believe this dream to be true.  Be thankful for it.  What you can imagine can come true.  Believe in it with your soul.