Guidelines to Joy: Playfulness

Guidelines to Joy: Playfulness

Creation of joy begins in a most simplistic way: rediscover our true selves-find the inner child within us who loves to play and discover. 

How can we become more playful during our day?  Play is a fantastic way to rediscover ourselves as we were children.  Allowing ourselves to become one with our child-like self engages others, allowing others to see us as we truly are. 

Playfulness encapsulates our being, radiating joy to all those around us.  Are we playful only when we think about it, or when we have time?  How can we become more playful during our day?

Allowing others to see us as we truly are, allows for greater interaction with those around us.  This interaction leads to empathy and connection between us.  As a result, we will have a greater sense of belonging and understanding of each other. 

We become more playful when:

  • We explore new ideas in the world around us,
  • Develop new avenues of creativity
  • Foster greater understanding of ourselves
  • We connect with others. 

Taking time to explore new ways of being allows us to become free to enjoy the inner child within each of us.  When was the last time that we allowed our inner child to explore?

Here are some ways that we can help develop our inner child:

  • When we imitate children and animals.  This gives us permission to experience their joy.   Children experience life through the lens of a newly awakened person.  They take each opportunity to play, developing games. 
  • When we listen to music.  Singing and dancing promotes excitement which we carry throughout the day. 
  • When we stay curious.  Investigating new opportunities leads us to experience a new path to joy.    

How can we become more childlike?

Find Time to Play

Find time to play in the garden, feel the dirt.  As we play, we may note areas where we can turn over a new leaf.  Digging in the garden may reveal bugs and worms to explore.  How do we react when we discover the unexpected?  Can we stay in the moment  and maintain our curiosity?  Does our focus change when we uncover bugs?

The bugs are our bumps in the road along our path.  When we find the unexpected in our path, how often do we become distracted and veer into the weeds?  Curiosity with child-like investigation allows us to explore ourselves and the world around us with greater excitement and understanding.  This exploration helps us to re-discover our joy that we experienced as children.  As children, we understand and live joyfully. 

Finding a path toward joy allows ourselves to feel young again.  Can we allow ourselves that freedom?  When we find the path to joy, it is contagious, and others around us develop a greater sense of well-being.  Feel pleased with what we have accomplished, allowing ourselves to feel profound satisfaction.  This creates openings for love and understanding.  When we feel greater love, we more easily develop joy. 

Allow joy to encircle us and create harmony.  Encompass our days with creativity to explore new worlds of understanding.  Exploring our inner child allows a playful understanding to a new way of living.  Our child like understanding of the world promotes curiosity and investigation, freeing ourselves to ask questions about ourselves and the world around us. 

Finding love and compassion brings about a greater understanding to the world around us.  When we lead our lives with joy, we create a new understanding of who we are.   Curiosity and exploration are a path toward developing joy.  Joy is love, understanding and compassion for ourselves and everyone we touch.  Explore today love and joy.