How Are We Getting There?

How Are We Getting There?

Where does the time go when no one is looking? How much time do we expend rolling our wheels, but going nowhere? Time has a way of catching up – and then we have run out of time. Where did the time go?

The time has come for us to determine what is the nature of our being:

  • Why have we come?
  • What is our purpose here on Earth?
  • Why now?
  • What reasons do we have for being here at this time?

Life has little meaning unless we’ve used time wisely. There’s so much of it, then suddenly it’s gone. Where did it go?

The age-old questions of why we are here can be answered when we look deep within. How deep do we need to go? Only deep enough to answer these questions about ourselves:

  • What is our long range goal?
  • What is our plan once we reach it?
  • Have we been enjoying the journey?
  • How can we help others along the way?
  • Is there anything we can do to improve our role in life?
  • Is there a reason why we pass our irritation and anger to those around us?

Given that the time is now, we have come to realize that our time here is limited. Are we wasting it? What can we do to improve our ability to spend time well?


Find time to be in the moment. Find joy and happiness there in the present. How do you know if you are living in the moment? Are you worried about anything? If the answer is “yes”, you are not in the current moment.

Find time to be one with those around you. Also, notice your surroundings. Is the day sunny? Any clouds? Look at the expanse of the sky. Any birds? What do you hear?

Bringing your thoughts back to the present allows us to live in the now. Find reasons to be present and not to be concerned with the past and future. They are not now.


What else can you do? Find reasons to be happy. Are you smiling? Even if you do not feel happy, smile. Smile as often as you remember to. What a wonderful way to begin the morning! Smiling to greet another day!

Are you at peace? Peace of mind leads us to a place of calm and relaxation. Isn’t that where we all want to be?