Interconnection Leads to Forgiveness and Joy

Interconnection Leads to Forgiveness and Joy

Life begins and ends.  What is the reason for all of this?  To no one’s surprise, it is to learn and grow.  How much more do I need to learn?

Put forth in front of us are challenges, challenges of the day, the week, year.  These difficulties help us to grow.  Remaining curious, open and excited to greet the new day becomes the task of the day.  And how do we do this?

As children, we play.  We open ourselves to new experiences and do not allow our desire for the same to overcome us.  How often do we stay enclosed in our containers, not wanting to explore the outside world?  How often does remaining in the same place become comfortable?   “I don’t want to,” are words we say because they are safe.  

Do we remain safe in our own cocoons?  It feels safe, wrapped in a blanket in bed or on the couch watching the latest on Netflix.  However, it’s the most dangerous thing we can do.  By not going anywhere, doing only just what needs to get done, we close off entire worlds in which we connect with other people.  

Interconnection Opens New Doors

It is through our connection with others that we can open new doors, new arenas that haven’t been explored.  Remaining in our comfort is only that.  Comfortable.  Remaining in one place worsens our lung and heart function.  When we don’t move, we become weak.  Our brains become disconnected as well.  

Why is it so important to connect with others?  When we have greater connection with other people, they help us to explore new avenues.  Roads that we’ve never traveled, we now explore.   When we share our experiences, we renew our sense of passion for life.  Have we lost our passion?  Maybe some of us have. 

By talking with your neighbors, friends and family, you share part of yourselves with another.  When we can take part of another’s life, we explore new boundaries that we may never would have entered.  As time passes, we have become renewed with hope and a sense of partnership with those outside yourself.  

“Have Tea With Me”

How do we remain connected with others?  Ask a friend to come over for tea.  When you do so, you share with others what it means to be you, and others begin to understand who you are, too.  

Do we need to connect with each other in person?  It is best when you see each other’s eyes, motions so that you can feel what the other is feeling.  You may argue: “I don’t need to be that close.”  Being in person allows for greater connection and interaction that normally does not occur on the phone.  Sharing with others, you become interconnected.  This interconnection allows for greater compassion and love which we need to experience to have greater happiness and joy.  

Sharing Renews

In sharing with others, our experiences become renewed and begin to flower with excitement.  We forget what it feels like to experience love and joy.  We can enjoy these feelings when we have connection.  The time is now to begin our journeys anew with greater love, sorrow and joy.  Sorrow is needed, too for us to feel joy.  When we explore our emotions, we can feel what others feel as well.  

Connection Heals the Planet

Connection with others allows for greater ability to heal the planet.  We begin the healing process with our interconnectedness.  When we communicate with others, we express our feelings and have new insight into our concerns.  Do we need to listen?  It is by listening that we can support each other.  

As we go through our days, we can feel alone even though we are living with someone.  How often do we not get along with each other?  Why is that?  


Having unconditional love allows for forgiveness and the other way around.  Forgiveness allows for love.  Have we forgiven?  How long do we allow someone else to hold power over us?  When we do not forgive, we have given our power away.  We have allowed the other person to impede our ability to experience love and joy.  

We are allowing that person to continue to anger you whenever you think about that difficult situation for which you cannot forgive.  When we continue to remain in that place of anger, we reignite the pain and sorrow each time we think of it.  What have we gained?  Keeping the anger and sadness allows the original wound to fester and grow. 

Forgiveness allows the interconnection of being exist as one.  When we can forgive, we offer unconditional kindness and love.  When we love, we exist in communion with each other in harmony.  Harmonization allows for greater expansion in all dimensions for greater peace.  

Become One With the Universe

Expansion of alignment allows for greater realization which is required for universal agreements of which love is one.  Another is hope and forgiveness.  When we can forgive, we offer hope for unification, as we are all on the path to become one with the universe.