Joy Awaits

Joy Awaits

Time evolves with greater awareness to our past, present and future. Alignment with your path arises when your soul is at ease. Be one with your tasks at hand.

Life evolves on a path to include all that you interact with as your day progresses. Be kind to each other. In kindness, there is joy which comes from the interaction. Remain in the moment. Bliss is certain to find you then.

Joy awaits those who find miracles in the everyday moments. You may notice the light that shines on a leaf, the petals of a flower, the song of a bird. These are all common joys that we miss when we do not slow down. Take the time to stop and breathe in the moment of now. Enjoy the simple, everyday that life has to offer.

Being mindful of each moment keeps us grounded in the awareness that living takes place in the now. Rest in your awareness that joy occurs in the present. Joy is not attained when we reach our goals. Joy is found along the way.