Letting Go of Karma

Letting Go of Karma

Now is the time to release any karma.  Karma.  What does that mean?  Life unfolds difficulties for us to resolve.  When the past memories interfere with this process, this is considered karma.  Karma is more than the having good or back luck.  Karma is the recall from a life lived previous to this one.  

For most of us, we have had many lives in the past.  In living life, we have experienced both the good and bad deeds.  Even though we don’t remember it, we have encouraged both good and evil energies.  Even as children, we have done good and negative things.  

As we become older, we increase our awareness to real or perceived faults which causes a chain reaction of guilt and shame. This can overcome us.   The past, although it is gone, does not stay in the past, but it continues in circles until we can clear the energy that our good or bad karma has created.  

Life unfolds opportunities for us to consider: 

  • As children, we become acclimated to the world around us.  Whether for good or bad, we become accustomed to the world as it is. 
  • We develop our guilt and shame when we are told how we do not conform.  
  • When we can develop a paradigm shift to reveal what is, we can relate to life with new energy. 

Understanding the paradigm shift provides a greater power of understanding.  What is the shift in paradigms?  Reflecting on the past, allows us to recall positive and negative deeds, although we tend to dwell on the negative.  In doing so, we create a pattern of feeling poorly about what we have accomplished in the past.  Guilt and shame develop as we “know we could have done more.”  

Living life leads to these difficulties regardless of how attentive we are toward being our best possible person.  We encounter traumas through living.  It is how we cope with the traumas that can lead us into leaving the memories of our past behind.  Our karma exists from our past to remind us of what we have done.  Why do we need to be reminded?

Changing Patterns Alters Karma

Karma continues to exist when we do not change patterns that exist.  We continue to live out our lives bound to repeat the past!  In so doing, we dwell on patterns that we have created long  ago.  

We all have completed acts of ill will against each other.  It is up to us to determine how to best acclimate the past, the present and future to not repeat the patterns from our past. 

Knowing the reality to time limits our ability to intervene into the future.  We can adjust the here and now to create new patterns of joy, love and happiness.  This creates new patterns which we can explore.  

Why do we revert to our old patterns?  We have ingrained in us these patterns which our soul carries with us.  It is up to us to clear the energy to make room for more elevated patterns of love and joy.  

How To Clear Old Patterns?

How can we rid ourselves of the karma that our soul has brought with us?  Clearing energies from the past an be done in a variety of ways: 

  • Go to the ocean.  If you do not live near the ocean, go to a lake or river.  Meditate with the water.  Ask it to remove what you no longer need. 
  • Form a healing circle.  When we gather in a group, we can elevate our thoughts and expressions and more easily heal ourselves and others.  
  • See a trusted healer.  
  • Meditate with nature. 
  • Blow the energy into an imaginary balloon.  Pop the balloon.  
  • See the old pattern in a glass jar.  Shatter the jar and see the pieces wash away.  

When we can eliminate old patterns, we allow more space for the positive energies that we want to feel.  Above are a few methods for clearing negative energies and patterns.  I’m sure there are others.  Find the methods that work best for you!