Life Knows No Bounds

Life Knows No Bounds

What does that really mean? We feel restricted on all sides, from our children, parents, work. We may integrate all that we know to apply our wisdom to comprehend this phrase: life has no bounds. What if there were no restriction in our thoughts, our reactions or beliefs. In this way, we can extend our thoughts to encompass all that is. By doing so, we expand what we believe is possible.

Ask yourself the following questions:

  • Can I put myself in someone else’s shoes to feel what they feel?
  • Can I understand my life from their complete perspective?

When we are able to think and feel what each other think and feel, we understand each other. We can focus on what is important. In this way, we can cooperate with each other, learn and grow from other viewpoints.

Life knows no bounds. When we can understand these words, we know that we are not really restricted. Choices abound. Our fear limits and interferes with our internal guidance. Fear of the unknown, fear of getting it wrong are the actual limitations. The restrictions come from our beliefs about what others think of us and what we believe we cannot do.

Try the Phrases:

  • “I can do anything.”
  • “I can accomplish whatever I set my mind to.”
  • “I’m good at what I do.”

These phrases are mantras to change our belief pattern of our self-limitations. Know that we impose on ourselves beliefs that we cannot. We all know that you can. It starts with the belief in yourself that you know you can accomplish whatever you believe that you can.