Awareness to the Past

The time has come for recognizing your awareness of the past. The past relates to the present and future in ways we do not always anticipate. Your awareness is a strong part of who you are to become. The realization that the past does not need define us comes as…

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Can We Help Our Planet to Heal?

To promote planetary healing, we need to feel at one with the planet. Join with the many others who have found their path in being one with the Earth. Life has many routes that we can take. We encourage others on their paths to endure hardships and co-exist with adversity.…

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Acts of Kindness

How do we treat each other? Do we know our neighbors? Do we avoid others because we have little time and energy? How can we connect more with others? It is with connection that sparks fly. Getting to know each other beyond the superficial level helps to expand our world…

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Life Knows No Bounds

What does that really mean? We feel restricted on all sides, from our children, parents, work. We may integrate all that we know to apply our wisdom to comprehend this phrase: life has no bounds. What if there were no restriction in our thoughts, our reactions or beliefs. In this…

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Closer to Ourselves

Life evolves and revolves around situations that occur that we feel we have no control over. However, know this is not true. The force of life offers each of us the opportunity to explore ways in which we can grow. How can I grow? What do I need to learn?…

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Fish In Parchment

What is it to be American? Hamburgers, steaks, hot dogs hot from the grill? Overly done meat at high temperatures increase advanced glycation end-products (AGEs). AGEs are free radicals that increase inflammation. Overly done meat at high temperatures increase products within the meat that results in your body to react…

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Joy Awaits

Time evolves with greater awareness to our past, present and future. Alignment with your path arises when your soul is at ease. Be one with your tasks at hand. Life evolves on a path to include all that you interact with as your day progresses. Be kind to each other.…

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Secret to Happiness

The secret to life's happiness is to encircle those we encounter with love. When love fills our time and space, we become one with the universe and all that is. Find time to be creative. Whether it's music, singing, playing in the sand with your children, creativity offers a greater…

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Mindfulness Creates Time

Sometimes it is hard to think of what to say in uncomfortable situations. Life throws us pebbles or even boulders in our path. Think back to a time when life was easier. As children, we play. We have no cares outside our tiny world. As we grow older, life evolves…

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