Secret to Happiness

Secret to Happiness

The secret to life’s happiness is to encircle those we encounter with love. When love fills our time and space, we become one with the universe and all that is.

Find time to be creative. Whether it’s music, singing, playing in the sand with your children, creativity offers a greater sense of diversity in your thinking. We need to expand our thoughts outside our tiny realm of what we can imagine. All possibilities are real. Be one with that awareness.

When time exists, we feel constricted by it. Time has little meaning beyond, “today is Thursday at 10 am.” All paths lead to light, where truth and happiness exists.

Happiness arises when our soul becomes aligned with its path of true light. Finding this path requires listening to our soul. Deep down, inside, to be one with what is. To be one with what exists. Living life goes on amongst our worry.

Living life often occurs without mindful awareness. We constantly worry about the past, the future and what will never come to be. We worry about what others think! Oh, the time we have wasted in our worry.

Expand your ideas of what you think is possible. Know that you are one with all that exists. Rest in that awareness. Find your true powers through quiet reflection. Be one with your path. Let your soul show you the way in mindful awareness.