Meats, Especially High in Advanced Glycation End-Products
Photo by Erik Odiin from Unsplash

Meats, Especially High in Advanced Glycation End-Products

The last post showed that advanced glycation end-products (AGEs): initiate and promote chronic disease create oxidative stress and inflammationworsen memory and thinking skills Many AGEs that we eat are from meats, cheese, processed, fried foods and roasted nuts. Uribarri, et al., 2010 found the average person ate 14,700+-680 CML (carboxylmethyl-lysine)…

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Should I Care About Advanced End-Products? Ten Reasons Why You Should

1. Implicated in Cataracts and Macular Degeneration Advanced Glycation End-Products (AGEs) live a long time. They accumulate over time in your body.  AGEs are found in the lens and retina of those with cataracts and macular degeneration. Gul, Rahman, Salim and Simjee, et. al., completed a study of 124 individuals…

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15 ways to decrease your consumption of AGEs

Photo by Paul Hermann on Unsplash How to Prepare Foods to Decrease Advanced Glycation End-Products This is the third in a series about Advanced Glycation End Products (AGEs).   AGEs are implicated in initiating and promoting chronic disease. Many foods, such as meat, cheese, roasted nuts are high in AGEs. …

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