The Time is Now

The Time is Now

Life’s journey is one of solving a myriad of problems.  Having awareness to these problems is a wonderful way to begin evolving into a new path originating from the silo of one’s brain. Your awareness is key to the evolution of existence; it brings about a determination of order that no one else is responsible for.  

Do you have time to become aware?  Awareness arises when we can note our thoughts.  Although our thoughts do not define us, we often act as if they can.  Our thoughts are just that.  Thoughts.  Time evolves to bring us here in this moment, and this moment can help us to determine our next steps.  This is better done, when we can stay in the moment.  This moment of time leads us to places that we’ve never been.  When we can stay in the moment, life evolves with us.  Life doesn’t just happen to us.  When we can stay in the moment, we have greater control over our life and our existence.  

What Does Your Brain Say?

Why do we do certain things?  Our actions play a large role in who we are and who we are becoming.  Are we reacting to what others have said, rather than doing as we desire, as we want to.  When we can stay in the moment, we are more able to notice what our brain is saying to us.  

Our brain likes to say that we are “no good,” that we “haven’t done enough,” that we haven’t completed all there is in life to be happy.  And why is that?  Is it true?  I don’t believe so, and you don’t either.  


Time gives us the opportunity to grow from within.  Time allows for the chance to take risks in life that may offer us a new path.  When our path becomes who we are, we become one with the path, and we are well on our way toward becoming one with the universe.  

Really?  What does the universe have to do with anything?  The universe is evolving and includes all that is.  The universe is now allowing you to become one with it.  The planets have aligned and now is the time for the ascension.  The ascension brings us to a new place in time, where all times exist as one, where time becomes relative.  Did it occur in the past or in the future?  Does it matter that this time is the only one that appears apparent to us?  Do you think that life will continue after the ascension?

Life continues to exist as we know it after the ascension.  The day and hour is coming where people will not need to communicate as much to express their ideas.  We are slowly becoming one with each other, and with all that is.  Life as we know it continues.  The grace of god shines forth a new path for those willing to accept it.  Know that this is true.  

Time has given forth a new example of how to live. Life turns over a new leaf that time knows to be real.  Time has given us the opportunity to create and develop new reasons for coming into existence.  It is now that we are beginning to see the reasons for our existence; the meaning of living your life.  Are you aware of it now?  Will it come to fruition?

Rise Up with Greater Awareness

Time will tell the difference between those who are rising up, and those who are staying low and behind.  Those who stay behind choose the path of least resistance and are not aware of their greater path in life.  How do we concern ourselves with such things?  How do we become who we are meant to be?  Time allows us to experience a force from within that shines our awareness and our knowledge that we are one with the universe and all that is.  Know thine self to be true.  

Are you aware of time passing, of time growing near to the realization of what is in the past has past, and things that are in our path are one.  We all have one path, one reason for living.  Which is?  What is the reason for living?  

Time has evolved to allow greater meaning and connection between our past selves and our current ones.  We are becoming “better people” through our awareness.  This awareness allows us to negotiate our reasons for living.  Maybe the time has come for you to have conversations with other living things, like the ocean, the trees, the clouds and sky.  When you can go to a quiet place in your mind, and contemplate on the ocean, or the trees or the sky, you can hear what it has to say to you.  And in this way, we can become one with all that is.  When we can listen to the plants, the animals, they have lots to say.  The trouble is, we don’t expect to hear anything back.  

Greater Understanding to the Meaning of Life

The time has come for greater awareness to the sky, the moon, all things that surround us.  And when we allow for our awareness to become one with ourselves, we can realize that life takes on a new meaning.  Our existence becomes at peace with all beings.  When we have greater peace, we will have a greater understanding of life and its meaning.  Life takes on new meaning when we can realize our past, our future and our present are really one.  

Time Rules Us

Time doesn’t really exist, not as we think it does.  It’s true that time exists.  However, we have allowed it to rule us.  What time is it?  Ten after two.  We all know what that means.  We are able to give time less authority.  If we allow it to be true, that time passes and we are one with time, we are allowing ourselves the opportunity to exist from within and not without.  

What the heck?  Time exists within and without?  Time need not to have the meaning we have given it.  It rules us all.  If we allow ourselves to be free from time, to take off our proverbial watches, we can see that we are one with life.  That you are me and I am you, that the trees and birds communicate with us if we stop to listen.  And, stopping is instrumental to the understanding that life, can be as expansive as we desire it, or it can be as closed as we can make it.  

Time is relative.  But, you already knew that, didn’t you?  Life stops to a crawl, when we do nothing for a few moments.  Time does not speed up and fly away.  Time becomes not important.  And, perhaps we give time a bit too much credence.  If we can have fewer constrictions on our time, we may have more time to stop and listen.  Listen to what the trees have to say.  

Stay Tuned:

With the next post, we will discuss more about how to talk to the trees, the ocean, the sky.  I wish you a wonderful week, and look forward to talking with you more soon.  If you like what you read, please like and share with others.  This allows more people to find me as well.