

Think of a time when you were turned around.  How did you right yourself again?  Was it painful?  Will there ever be a time when you don’t fall down?  How can we coexist with patterns of joy and gratitude?

I’ve just gone through a period when I didn’t or couldn’t focus on what I had set out to.  It’s not easy to get back into the routine of creating again.  Life forms obstacles in which we struggle to get back in alignment.  How can this be easier?  Where does the justice lie when we compare our lives to that of others?  How can we exist as one when we are so different from each other? 

Unifying Energy

No one can tell us how to live, how to change, how to be.  We exist to become the best versions of ourselves we know to be.  When we can coexist with the past, we have greater awareness of our existence.  We become unified to the underlying source of energy which flows between us.  When we can become more aware of our need to connect with others and with nature, we become a more unified source of energy which has the depth of an ocean.   

For the past two years, we have been emerging toward the unifying energy that our souls crave.  To become one with the universe is a universal goal of living in which all forms of life neatly exist within a realm of peaceful co-existence.  Life travels in waves of energy that contrasts with negative energy.  Life becomes a wave that coexists with time to reveal a timelessness where the past, present and future all become one.   

How can living in all three places: past, present and future exist within one time frame?  We exist in time where the past, present and future create a space of knowing which aligns factors that produce an awareness to living.  When we live our lives from the perspective of ourselves and our small circle of friends and family, we can avoid interacting and finding a greater meaning that is outside of ourselves.  When we become unified with all beings and all that is in nature, we allow for greater meaning of life.  The timelessness of knowing that we are all one allows for living out the mindset of freedom from time. 

Timelessness of Being

How can we create a timelessness of being?  Can we escape from our reality of time?  We are becoming allowed the freedom to coexist in all times, in all places with all beings.  Life is evolving to allow time to resonate with the past, present and future at the same time, which allows for all beings exist as one unified being. 

How can we exist as one being, when we are all so different from each other?  How can time become blurred so as to not have meaning?  When we exist without the construct of time, we can allow ourselves a greater and new meaning of life.  

When we lose our focus on our path, we stray from what our purpose is: to be united in joy, living out our days in happiness.  When we maintain a steady pace up the mountain, we can accumulate abundance in ways we never knew was possible.  Finding joy is never found in accumulating toys and goods.  Joy is found in our connection with each other, in awareness that our past creates our present, which in turn creates our future.  Creation exists for our joy.  Did we miss the point?  How many of us are not joyful?

Find New Meanings and Discover Joy

Life exists to find new meanings and to discover the joy of existing in peace with the land and one another.  Life has patterns for us to explore in which our living becomes more rewarding.  How can we spend more time in unified thoughts, awareness and focus?  How can we treat each day likes it matters?