Times of Need

Times of Need

It is in our times of need, that we come to a place where no one can touch us.  We ask the divine for assistance.  We realize our need for escape, and want the world to go away.

It is in these times of need that we most benefit from comfort and acknowledgement of the pain that we are going through.  In times of need, we become aware of our desire to be alone.  We feel that no one can dig us out of the hole we’ve made. 

Why is it that we desire to be alone?  Who makes it be that we shun help from others?  That we feel no one understands us?  Where do we go to lead our lives in determination to accomplish what we have come to do?

Where else can we go?

To feel rejected is our usual pattern of hurt.  Thinking of ourselves, we come to a place of our desire to be alone with our thoughts.  It is during these times, that we can become aware of our faults that may have caused others pain.  Do we see reality for what it is?  Do our emotions cast a shadow creating a larger situation in our heads that it really is? 

What can be done about the pain and hurt that we feel?  We can choose to allow the pain to enter our hearts, to feel the emotion of hurt.  Often we feel again the pain that we felt as children.  History continues to repeat itself until we find a way to interrupt the pattern. 

How can we learn from this?

How can we grow so that we don’t repeat the same mistakes from our past?  It is from our learning that the healing process can begin. 

How can we create patterns of joy rather than pain and hurt?  How can we decide to become more open and unified with the higher powers of light and joy?  Does forgiveness play a role? 

Often, there is someone to forgive, when we feel spiritual pain.  We need to forgive to let go and heal our traumas from the past.  When we can let go of the hurt, we decide to move forward with greater ease and comfort. 

It is not easy to do this alone.

And, yet, we choose to be alone in our pain.  Like a pig, playing in the mud, we choose to wrap ourselves in the muck, creating a deeper shadow of pain that follows us wherever we go.  How do we escape this cycle?

When we can allow others to enter our lives with acceptance, we can allow for a different point of view.  When we can allow ourselves hope that tomorrow will be a brighter day, tomorrow will be a brighter.  When we can see the bounty that has been given to us, we can focus on living with greater love that we can present to others. 

Now is the time to change our habit to be alone in our fear and worry.  When we can see from another’s viewpoint, we can become more expansive in our thinking.  We share with each other our beliefs.  We see that we are not so different from each other.  When we share common beliefs, this brings about a greater understanding into our situations. 


Sharing allows for better awareness into how to be a better parent, or how to best communicate with your spouse or supervisor.  When we can offer others the gift of listening, we can provide great support to those around you.